Sunday, July 1, 2007

DAY SIX - Berkeley Farmers Market

Today FIN cozied up to the Hudson Fish stand at the Berkeley Farmer's market. Captain Mike Hudson and his family sell their catch every Saturday at the Farmer's market. Mike lives in Berkeley and fishes off the coast of San Francisco, Marin, and Sonoma. When he has salmon, it goes fast. But, Hudson Fish didn't have salmon this week because the California salmon season was closed during June. Mike was excited to go salmon fishing tomorrow (July 1). If he catches salmon, his customers will be happy next week. This week, he sent the salmon-lovers to see FIN so they could learn about why the fishing seasons here keep getting shorter.

Asked about how she felt being so close to a fisherman, FIN responded:

"As salmon remember a time when the people of the Pacific coast prayed for our safe return from the ocean and celebrated our annual spawning runs. In return, some of us gave their bodies to sustain the people. This was the way of things and it was good.

We know the fishermen and their customers care for us and we appreciate their efforts to protect our spawning grounds. We continue to support them and they continue to support us.

Unfortunately, neither of our communities is as strong today as we have been in the past. We need to get the message to other humans, who don't know about the old agreements, that the rivers and creeks must be protected in order to support salmon so that we can support people."

- The Road Show Crew

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