The Road Show arrived Friday in Madison, Wisconsin Friday evening. We got absolutely prime parking right on Capitol Square, in preparation for Saturday's farmer's market.
While Fin was quite a hit with reveling college students Friday night, Saturday morning at Dane County Farmer's market she was even more popular. It was a great morning, and the forecasted rain stayed away all day. It was so much fun, there is even a rumor that Bill donned the Buster costume for a spell, but mysteriously there is no photographic evidence, so we can neither confirm nor deny the report. By the end of the day, we'd talked to so many great folks that we'd collected a heap of postcards.
One of the folks we met was John Hutchinson from Fontana Sports, a local outdoor gear retailer. On top of giving Bill the heads-up on some fishing locales, he suggested we park the fish at one of his stores. This was a win-win situation, as it made logistics on Sunday easier, as well as had people turning heads toward his shop all day Sunday.
Sunday itself was a slow day. Nate hit the gym, had a nice sweat in the sauna, and whiled away the afternoon with a book in a coffee shop. Bill, armed with the scoop from John went fishing. He found a little creek that looked like this:
And caught a little trout that looked like this:
Monday it was back to work with a stop at Spring Harbor Middle School. Lori from the River Alliance of Wisconsin
came by and helped us out teaching the students about watershed issues facing both Wisconsin and the Pacific Northwest.
We finished off the afternoon with stops to Congressional offices. First off was a visit to Senator Feingold's office, where staffers Jeremy, Victoria, Tyler, Meredith and Katie just had to get a picture with Fin.
Next it was back downtown to Senator Kohl's office. Local staffers Jose, Joylynn, Darcy and Chloe came out for a quick visit.
Finally, to close out the day, Adam, Brett and Jill from Rep. Tammy Baldwin's office couldn't pass up the opportunity to have their picture taken with a giant salmon.
We'd like to thank all of the staffs for taking a few minutes out of their busy schedules to chat and meet Fin. We look forward to working closely with them in the coming months to reach the kind of long-term solutions to the coast-wide crisis that our salmon desperately need.
So far we're having a great time in Madison. Luckily, we have a couple more days to bask in the great atmosphere and energy here. Although, I feel even then, we'll wish we could stay longer.
1 comment:
We loved having you here and loved spending some time with Fin. You're working for a great cause. Stop again on your way back!
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